Prihaja zima - čas elementa Vode, katerega glavni organ so Ledvice.
In winter, the ground freezes and gets covered by snow. Nature takes rest and collects the energy for the whole upcoming year.
Zakaj je počitek prav v tem času tako zelo pomemben?
Ledvice so pomemben organ zato, ker je v njih shranjena naša esenca (Jing), ki je najbolj prvinska substanca v našem telesu. Esenco delimo na prirojeno in pridobljeno.
Prirojena oziroma predrojstvena esenca nam je dana ob spočetju in vpliva na naš rast in razvoj ter določa telesno konstitucijo. Ne moremo je dodajati, lahko jo le ohranjamo oziroma preprečujemo njeno izgubo. Essence loves balance and moderation in all aspects of life: food, work, rest, sex, … There are special techniques that help preserve essence, like breathing techniques and Qi Gong. When our body runs out of the prenatal essence, we die.
We acquire the postnatal essence primarily from food. It depends greatly on the function of the stomach and the spleen. In TCM everything is very intertwined – strong “middle”, which are the stomach and spleen, are very important for the health of the kidneys. In this sense, we can to some extent influence and ‘add to’ the postnatal essence.
Šibke ledvice se najbolj očitno kažejo s tipičnimi znaki staranja
The most obvious signs of weak Kidneys are the typical signs of ageing: greying of hair, loss of hair, weak teeth and bones, hearing loss, … It is no wonder that therapy of the Kidneys is the foundation of the anti-aging acupuncture, which is becoming very popular in the modern world.
Zima je najtemnejši del leta in to temo (ki naj ne zveni negativno) moramo privoščiti tudi svojim telesom. Če si pozimi ne bomo vzeli časa za počitek, bo to vplivalo na naše počutje vso prihajajoče leto; kot ima neprespana noč vpliv na ves naslednji dan.
Če si pozimi ne bomo vzeli časa za počitek, bo to vplivalo na naše počutje vso prihajajoče leto; kot ima neprespana noč vpliv na ves naslednji dan.
December and January are the main winter months. We must make sure they will be full of quality rest, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy essence. Let’s indulge ourselves with evenings spent under the blanket, cooked food and gentle bodywork. Let’s say “no” to activities that drain our energy and to crowds of people, and let’s rather invest into building deep relationships in smaller circles. This way we will have enough energy for the festivities and energetically more challenging activities in the seasons to come.