Thank you. You Should soon be able to find the e-book in your mailbox.
I’m sure it will give you a lot of useful information about burnout.
From now on, you are no longer alone on your healing journey. If you wish to be further supported after reading the book, here’s what you can do:
- Find FREE information and healthcare tips on my social media.
- Read my e-mails with educational content and practical ways of conquering burnout.
- Apply for my three-month POWER program where I will guide you through your healing process.
In POWER you will:
Začeli razumevati procese v svojem telesu in se povezali z njim.
Pričeli spuščati vse vzorce in navade, ki vodijo v izgorelost.
Ustvarili jasne cilje in zgradili strategijo za njihovo dosego.
Dobili popolno podporu pri doseganju in utrjevanju svojih ciljev.
Read more about the program tukaj.